Lots of hands holding up cut-outs of speech bubbles

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education

HFL Education’s wellbeing advisers provide bespoke support for delivering Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education in the curriculum.
Teacher and child

Behaviour Solutions: behaviour and attitudes to learning

HFL Education’s behaviour management consultancy and support to improve behaviour in schools.
2 hands pointing at graphs on paper

Financial services - maintained schools

Financial management systems and solutions support for maintained schools and settings.
boy counting on his fingers

The HFL Education Annual Mathematics Challenge

HFL Education Annual Mathematics Challenge - online, inter-school maths competitions for Year 3, 4 and 5 children
Amusing maths related illustrated characters

The HFL Education Annual Year 4 Mathematics Challenge

Information about the HFL Education Year 4 Maths Challenge - online, interschool mathematics competitions for Year 4 children
Unhappy child covering his face, surrounded by negative message text

Online safety in schools

Online safety training, consultancy and guidance to support schools, parents and carers.
Happy looking Early Years children

Are we listening to the children?

24 Jul 2023
The summer term is a great opportunity to ramp up the experiences that allow children to voice their views, thoughts, and ideas. Are we really listening and responding to the feedback our children give us on our provision?
Adults conversing with eachother

Are you planning to make some new (academic) year’s resolutions?

17 Jul 2023
As another academic year draws to a close this is an opportunity to consider different ways of working for the new academic year, new thinking on our approach to the various challenges that lie ahead and to reflect on what worked well and areas for improvement from the past year.
Early Years children playing outside

Count down to the end of term

12 Jul 2023
Top tips for those working in the EYFS to consider as the year draws to an end.
Students working in classroom

Developing and delivering an effective writing curriculum

11 Jul 2023
How can we construct a writing curriculum that fosters enjoyment and success in writing?