Schools, other settings and trusts have indicated to HFL that complaints are a growing concern as they increase in complexity and volume. Effective complaint management takes time and can become overwhelming and unmanageable for schools.
In response to feedback from schools HFL is offering a new service run by an experienced complaints professional to support staff and governors with complaints with both self-service tools and bespoke support.
Complaints toolkit
Complaint plans
Complaint reviews
Independent investigations
Panel preparation
Process flowcharts
Process reviews

Complaints Toolkit
As part of the new service offer, a low-cost Complaints Toolkit subscription has been created to enable schools and trusts to effectively manage school-based complaints. The Toolkit will be reviewed annually, with helpdesk support available throughout the year and a termly webinar being released. It has been designed to save school staff and governors time in dealing with concerns and complaints and trying to manage complainants’ expectations by giving suggestions and examples. The Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance on the complaints process from start to finish, complete with timescales, a suite of suggested responses, essential do’s and don’ts and a summary of the process.
To subscribe to the Complaints Toolkit please visit the HFL Education Hub:
For MATs or other settings with bespoke requirements please contact us.
Complaints Toolkit – why your school needs it
Cowley Hill School in Borehamwood
Over recent years school-based complaints have been steadily increasing. As a school we have been able to manage many of what would be considered low-level complaints, more concerns really. However, in the last year or so, there has been an increase in the number and complexity of some of these. For our school, more recently, we have experienced a really challenging complaint, that has been broad and far reaching in terms of the impact it has had.
The Complaints Toolkit is not something that is available just for large and complex complaints – far from it! It is, in fact, a comprehensive and ever-evolving suite of resources and advice for schools to use when they receive that very first ‘I want to make a complaint’ communication.
The Toolkit starts at the beginning, with your policy and procedure for dealing with concerns and complaints. It takes you through every possible step that might happen and provides you with the resources to respond to and address the complaint. Most importantly it gives you the guidance to ensure that you take the right action in the most appropriate way and crucially within the timescales denoted in policy.
One size fits all is not what this toolkit is about. It is constantly updated and additional resources are added, including regular webinars. Using the Toolkit enabled me to see quickly that our very challenging complaint was unusual and complex. It was very difficult to deal with and this is where the Helpdesk Support element came into play. As a subscribing school, I was able to contact the Helpdesk and hold a series of telephone conversations to support me with managing and responding to the complaint as the situation evolved. This support was invaluable in guiding us to make all of the correct decisions throughout the process – whilst also maintaining our sanity and wellbeing. Our complex complaint went all the way through stages one and two and involved in-depth analysis, investigations and a panel. The support we received helped to signpost us to the wider services available and organise what we needed through Governance, Independent Investigators, Stage Two Panel Members and Clerking.
As a school we would thoroughly recommend that you subscribe to the Toolkit. It isn’t just for complaints – it is there to help with the things that can happen before you reach the formal complaint stage. For example, with warnings to parents, controlling access to school premises and responding to general issues linked to social media and online platforms. It reflects legal expectations and national guidance so you can feel 100% reassured that every step you take is the right one. For us the biggest help and support was speaking to the Complaints Manager, Paul Davies. He worked tirelessly to support and guide us and most importantly always provided a listening ear. It was never too much trouble for him to take our calls and make sure we were okay. This is an extremely valuable service and a must for all schools.
Louise Thomas, Headteacher, Cowley Hill School, Borehamwood
The HFL Complaints Toolkit has been the best purchase of the year! The letter templates have been incredibly helpful, providing clear guidance on how to word our communications as well as easing our workload. One of the standout features of the Toolkit is the access to the complaints team, who have been invaluable. They not only provided practical advice but also connected us with a governor from another school to help form a complaints panel. Navigating the complaints process has been at times worrying and draining, but Paul's calm and reasoned advice has helped us keep everything in perspective. I highly recommend the HFL Complaints Toolkit – it has truly been a game-changer for us!
Headteacher, Oakwood Primary School
Complaint plans
Schools, settings and trusts can request assistance in planning how to deal with a complaint. This includes helping them to establish whether the complaint can be accepted or not, breaking it down into more manageable parts, and identifying how to actually investigate the complaint, including deciding who to interview as part of the investigation and what policies and procedures are relevant to the situation.
Complaint reviews
When a complaint has been investigated by a member of school staff or a governor, a Complaint Review involves checking that the school’s complaints policy and procedure has been followed and that the investigation has addressed the issues at the heart of the complaint. If it hasn’t, support and guidance is given to ensure that the investigation is completed to the required standard. Assistance is also given with the complaint response if this has not yet been completed.
Independent investigations
Independent Investigations can be requested where a situation has reached a stalemate and an external view is needed. The Independent Investigator will offer to meet with both the complainant(s) and the respondent(s) on behalf of the school and they will request access to all of the documentation relevant to the complaint. They will then produce a report setting out their findings and any recommendations arising for the commissioning school to consider in accordance with its complaints process.
Panel preparation
Meeting with school staff and governors to help them get ready for a panel hearing of a complaint at the second formal stage of the school’s complaints process. This involves talking through what the hearing process entails, points of good practice to focus on, as well as things to avoid and answering any questions they may have. These sessions are particularly useful for staff and governors who may not have attended a panel for a long time and for people who have never been to one.
Process reviews
Schools, settings and trusts can request a review of their published complaints policy by a complaints professional who will check that it complies with the relevant legislation and statutory guidance. They will also provide feedback and make suggestions, for example on how the policy could be improved further or made clearer.
Process flowcharts
Drawn up by a complaints professional to map out the key points and actions within each stage of the complaints process so that essential information is available at a glance.
In addition to the termly webinar that will be released as part of the Complaints Toolkit, schools, settings and trusts will be able to request bespoke webinars delivered by a complaints professional. They can be delivered live with the opportunity for asking questions, etc, or pre-recorded for staff and governors to watch at their convenience.
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about how our experienced complaints professional can help support you please email