Help your pupils overcome any barriers to learning and reach their full potential.
Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is everyone’s responsibility.
At HFL Education we believe that SEND is everyone’s responsibility, and our work is designed to ensure that the principles underpinning the SEND code of practice are embedded, and that positive outcomes for learners with SEND are achieved.
To achieve this, we help schools and settings to strengthen their SEN provision within a collaborative and supportive culture.
What Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) support does HFL Education offer?
We offer school improvement services, training and resources to support staff in mainstream, special schools and Education Support Centres (ESC) to deliver exceptional inclusive education for the benefit of all learners, and especially those with SEND.
Our strategic vision for SEND
At HFL Education our aim is to create a sustainable and effective school improvement service for the benefit of all learners with SEND and to embed the concept that SEND is everyone’s responsibility.
Our strategic vision for SEND enables us to design and deliver the right services, products, and training for mainstream, special schools and education support centres (ESC).
This includes providing customers with a comprehensive and transparent SEND offer by:
- providing an integrated approach to SEND across mainstream, special schools and Education Support Centres
- Promoting SEND focused collaboration and joint working across HFL Education teams
- Working closely alongside Eastern Partnership (UK) SEND

Find out more
If you’d like to know more about how HFL Education can help you to identify and implement best practice within your mainstream, special school or Education Support Centre please contact us.
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