The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) has a proven track record in providing Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) focused accredited and non-accredited training and innovative school improvement tools suitable for the education workforce in schools and settings in the region and nationally.
Why use the Eastern Partnership UK for your SEND training needs?
With our passion for developing professional career opportunities through accredited training routes, we are the SEND go-to organisation for teachers and the wider education workforce.
We do this specifically through increasing professional knowledge and skills aimed at creating inclusive schools and accessible and dynamic learning environments for children and young people with SEND.
Since 2009 we have successfully helped over 3000 new-to-role and aspiring special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) gain their mandatory qualification known as the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO). Through the Advanced and SENCOs as Leaders follow-up courses, we have provided many SENCOs with a way to continue their professional development journey including or in many cases, their full master’s qualification.
The National Award for SEN Coordination qualification has now been replaced by the new National Professional Qualification for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (NPQ for SENCOs). We are bringing our considerable expertise to this new and innovative NPQ programme and are proud to be contributing to the development of the curriculum content with our Lead Provider partner CEFEL.
Our NPQ for SENCOs provides a unique opportunity to progress to the Advanced SENCO Award and onwards to an MEd Professional Development in Education.

What training does the Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) offer?
Our DfE-recognised level 3 Certificate for SENCOs in the early years PVI sector (CERTSEY) is well established and thriving, and our specialist level 3 and 4 qualifications now include the following:
- Supporting children and young people with speech language and communication needs (Level 4)
- Supporting children and young people with social emotional and mental health needs (Level 4)
The existing training programmes are constantly reviewed and updated, and new training modules are added regularly:
- Supporting children and young people with autism (Level 3)
Available through Eastern Partnership and trained by licensed tutors:
- Talk Boost from Speech and Language UK – evidence-based, targeted intervention training, choose an age-specific course:
- Early Talk Boost
- Talk Boost KS1
- Talk Boost KS2
aptGO audit and review tools
Our innovative audit and review tool focusing on SEND, known as the aptGO helps schools to prepare for or respond to Ofsted inspection.
Available soon will be the Early Years aptGO focusing on SEND and designed for use in playgroups and day nurseries.
Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) website
To find out about the opportunities available to you and your colleagues visit the Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) website – where you will find easy-to-access information which should answer most questions.
The website includes an Information Centre which is a hub containing national and local SEND information, research, resources and a range of ‘Big Ideas’ in the world of special educational needs.
Find out more
Get in touch with us for an informal chat. Our programme leads are always keen to talk through any queries you may have and to provide information and guidance to help you make the right decisions for you or for your school or setting.
Our helpful admin team are also on-hand to answer questions.