Help your pupils overcome any barriers to learning and reach their full potential.
We know special education can be hugely rewarding, but it also has unique challenges and demands that require a more bespoke improvement approach.
Educational Support Centres (ESCs) and special schools
Education Support Centres (ESCs) and special schools play a vital role in supporting children and young people with behavioural, social and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to achieve their full potential.
Our School Effectiveness Advisers (SEAs) provide school improvement services to ensure you have the right tools and processes in place so that all children can thrive in specialist education.
What school improvement support does HFL Education offer for ESCs and special schools?
Our experienced and highly skilled SEAs bring a wealth of specialist knowledge, meaning they act as critical, professional partners who will help you evaluate performance and support your school’s improvement journey. Because we know that each setting is unique, we offer customised school improvement services designed around you.
Dedicated school improvement specialists
Our team of SEAs are experienced education professionals and experts in specialist school services.
We provide services and training which is up to date with key priorities in the educational landscape, including the current inspection framework, and our work is regularly quality assured to ensure it is of the highest quality.
Importantly, we work closely within a team of improvement advisers whose differing expertise we can draw on, as well as having access to specialist support from other HFL teams around curriculum, behaviour, wellbeing and timetabling.

Tailored specialist setting packages
Because we know every setting is different, we offer different packages so that you can choose the level of support that’s right for you. Whichever option you choose, you’ll receive a visit (typically in the autumn) from one of our experienced and quality-assured SEAs and benefit from their expert advice and guidance.
We’ll work with you to tailor a package of support that meets your specific needs. We can work with you to assess current performance, identify improvement priorities and make a plan to effectively implement changes.
Our specialist support makes a positive impact
Our SEAs have extensive experience in driving improvement by working collaboratively with special schools and ESCs. Whether it's through bringing our first-hand experience to improve services, sharing our know-how, and or promoting a reflective culture for continuous improvements, we have a proven track record of positively impacting the schools we partner with.
We understand the complexities of delivering a high-quality specialist education. We have all the experience, expertise and resources to help you improve your school and help your pupils reach their full potential.
The high-quality HIP service that HfL has provided us with has secured immensely valuable challenge and support on our journey to continuous school improvement. It has been important for us that our HIP has expert knowledge of the quality of SEN provision, enabling him to provide us with rigorous yet constructive feedback. We value the HIP service that is tailored to meet our federation's bespoke development needs.
The Sunflower Federation
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about how our SEAs and other advisers can help you to identify and implement best practice within your setting, please contact us.
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