We have partnered with Edurio a leading provider of stakeholder feedback solutions to schools and trusts. Their mission is to give education leaders clarity on the things that matter most. So far, their school surveys have gathered feedback from over 750,000 pupils, parents, and school staff.
Edurio offers an efficient and effective way of gathering stakeholder feedback, enabling schools and trusts to quickly pinpoint where improvement is needed and take action to ensure all pupils receive the best quality education.
School and trust surveys
Edurio surveys cover staff wellbeing, staff retention, parental engagement and pupil wellbeing. The team designs surveys with academic experts and practitioners to address school management priorities and inspection requirements.
With Edurio surveys, schools and trusts can gather feedback on a range of topics from staff wellbeing to pupil safeguarding and create their own custom survey questions.
The user-friendly platform provides a multitude of useful features including a results summary, a results heat map, and national benchmarks, which allow schools and trusts to compare results against each other and the national average.
With 10 years of experience in the education sector, Edurio ensures each client can make the most out of the highly developed survey platform through one-to-one consultations and knowledge-sharing webinars.
Edurio offers a subscription model, based on the number of pupils in the school or trust.
Reports and data insights
Edurio’s datasets are the largest of their kind in England. This data is used to produce
- national analyses and insights to drive important discussions in education. Edurio publishes new reports frequently, here is a selection of their latest.
- School staff and stress, workload and wellness
- Behaviour and safety: key trends and challenges
- Pupil wellbeing in schools
- Improving School Trusts: Bringing CST and DfE guidance to life with feedback from 175,000 stakeholders
Please visit their website to access more reports and resources such as blogs, case studies and good practice.
Edurio regularly runs free webinars for school and multi-academy trust staff members featuring their insight specialists and guest experts such as MAT leaders as they explore the trends affecting school staff and offer new insights into:
- staff wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusion and recruitment and retention
- pupil learning experience, wellbeing, behaviour and safety
- parental engagement and satisfaction
Our partners undergo a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure that schools are getting the best possible service and value for money from reliable suppliers.