We provide innovative, business-focused financial solutions and accounting services to ensure you have the tools needed to operate as efficiently as possible.

Whether it's ensuring staff are paid on time or that your pupils have the necessary learning resources, seamless financial management is crucial for all maintained schools and academy trusts. But constantly changing demands and stretched budgets can make this challenging.

Why choose HFL?

Schools and academies are under increasing pressure to keep up with the ever-changing education finance landscape while balancing budgets. Fortunately, we're here to help.

Our financial services team share a wealth of experience in the financial and educational sector. They work closely with school and academy leaders, headteachers, governors, school business managers, finance directors and support staff to support them in all aspects of school finance.

The team will work with you to plan, strategise and budget in the most cost-efficient way that aligns with your policies and goals. We can help with everything from the day-to-day running of the school or trust to major strategic projects. We will guide you in the right direction and save you valuable time, money and resources.


How can our financial services help you?

Adhering to the relevant statutory requirements and financial compliance can be complex and overwhelming. We offer effective guidance and support that adds value, facilitates an improvement in school performance and relieves some of the pressure of running an educational institution. We work with you to tailor our services to the specific needs of your school or academy trust.

With our support, you'll have peace of mind that your school or academy trust is financially compliant and sustainable.

Our services include:

  • Budgeting, monitoring and reporting

  • Financial management and governance

  • Strategic, operational and transactional support

  • Bookkeeping support

  • Compliance

  • Financial planning and recovery

  • Systems implementation, training and support

  • Internal audits and system reviews

  • Support for academy conversion

  • CFO support services

Financial services for academies and MATs

Whether you’re a school considering conversion or an established academy trust looking to outsource the finance function of your business, we can provide you with a wide range of tailored financial support.

Financial services for maintained schools

Our Financial Services Maintained Team provides a one stop shop for all your financial management needs – from the day you set your budget to the day you submit your year-end accounts.  

Why use our financial services support?

We offer complete school finance support for school and academy trust leaders to effectively plan, manage and control their resources, maintain compliance and meet strategic educational objectives.

Financial services to support new and expanding academies

Setting up or expanding MATs is often a complex process that requires comprehensive planning. But whether you're converting to a MAT, expanding from a single academy or maintaining your current academy status, we have you covered. Our support includes policies and procedures, due diligence, implementation of financial systems, MAT centralisation and strategic financial advice. We will support you through the entire process so you can focus your attention on delivering quality education to your pupils.

Supporting maintained schools with expert financial services

We offer a wide range of accounting, finance and administration services to meet the individual needs of maintained schools. Our team has extensive experience working with maintained schools to ensure they meet their planning and financial management responsibilities.


HFL Finance and MIS Framework

Selecting the correct finance software for your school is essential in ensuring that the school’s accounts can be produced in accordance with the appropriate reporting requirements for your local authority or academy trust. We can help with the procurement with our Finance and MIS Framework.


We provide expert financial management support to schools, academies and multi-academy trusts to enable them to operate efficiently while delivering a quality learning experience.


Contact our Financial Services team today to find out how we can help you.