Whether you’re a school considering conversion or an established academy trust looking to outsource the finance function of your business, we can provide you with a wide range of tailored financial business support.
Our fully qualified team has extensive experience and a collaborative approach that ensures you always know exactly where you are in your finance and risk strategies.
Our Academies Finance team
The Academies Finance team comprises qualified accountants, accredited School Resource Management Advisers (SRMAs) and mentors from the DfE Chief Finance Officer (CFO) Mentoring programme.
We also have a wide range of experience across commercial sectors, bringing a unique perspective to the strategic financial management of academy trusts.
Our experience within the sector means we implicitly understand the challenges that trusts face and can work with you to provide tailored solutions, drawing upon the wider range of experiences our HFL fully qualified accountants bring.
Our financial services for academies include:
Why work with HFL?
When you work with our Academies Finance team you can be confident that you have the support of a team with a comprehensive knowledge of current accounting and finance practice, the skills to add real value to your academy trust and education-specific experience that shapes and supports your finance strategy.
We offer efficient, accurate support that’s tailored to your specific needs and supported by clear Service Level Agreements, an absolute commitment to meeting trust internal deadlines and compliance with the Academies Trust Handbook.
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about how our tailored financial services for academy trusts can add value to your business, please contact us.