In order to support students with their revision for GCSEs and A-levels our secondary English, maths and science specialist advisers offer parents and schools a series of remote revision workshops and masterclasses in the spring to help ensure that students realise their potential in the summer exams.
Please contact our Events Team with any queries at or call 01438 544477.
AQA GCSE English Literature
Designed to motivate and challenge students in an engaging and focused learning environment, our remote revision masterclasses will help boost students’ skills and confidence.
These popular remote Saturday revision sessions return for the fourth year. Our online masterclasses are led by highly experienced subject specialists and will focus on:
- Supporting your child to feel ‘exam ready’
- Providing students with tried and tested exam strategies and revision techniques
- Sharing high quality responses and model answers to support their learning
- Directly responding to any text/exam related questions that students may have.
Each session lasts two hours and students will be able to interact using a private question function with the subject teachers delivering the session.
All workshops will be recorded and can be accessed via the link in the confirmation email so students who have booked a place, but missed part or all of a session, can catch up later.
Places may be booked directly by parents/carers or by schools on their students’ behalf.
£20 per student per 2-hour session (including VAT).
Please pass on my thanks 😊
We couldn’t attend live but watched the recording and found it useful, my husband was also in the room and was very complimentary about the teachers, their style and the format. I’ve spoken to other parents who had really positive feedback, the lessons were spoken about on the sidelines at football yesterday with boys at other schools too so I imagine you may get more sign up this week.
C Parsons, Parent
AQA GCSE English Literature - MacBeth
GCSE Mathematics
Following the success of last year’s programme, our secondary Maths advisers will be leading 24 topic-based online workshops during March: 12 for Foundation Tier and 12 for Higher Tier.
The Foundation Tier workshops will be aimed at those students aiming to gain Grades 4 and 5. The Higher Tier workshops will be for those aiming for Grades 6 and 7, although students aiming for higher grades may find them useful to consolidate earlier learning.
Designed to motivate and challenge students in an engaging and active learning environment, our remote workshops will provide students with the opportunity to take part in a number of focused revision activities, and to complete exam-style questions.
Each workshop will be 50 minutes long. Students may wish to attend two or three consecutively, with a short break in between each.
All workshops will be recorded and can be accessed via the link in the confirmation email so students who have booked a place, but missed part or all of a session, can catch up later.
Places may be booked directly by parents/carers or by schools on their students’ behalf.
£10 per student per session (including VAT).
Mathematics revision workbooks for students
Designed to encourage independent working, these four revision GCSE Maths workbooks have been written to go alongside students’ work and revision in school. They will work well with any of the exam board GCSE (9-1) specifications and can be used in the classroom and / or at home. The workbooks aim to support students in making the best use of the revision time. The topics selected appear frequently in GCSE papers - students who work carefully and successfully through a workbook will have a good chance of achieving the target grade for that book.
Some students may also wish to work through a lower-grade book, to remind them of key areas they may not have studied recently.
Each full colour book costs £7.95 (plus postage and packing) and can be ordered from the HFL Shop by both parents and schools.
The graded maths revision workbooks were brilliant. Really helpful for our targeted grade intervention. The students and intervention tutor commented to me about how clear and accessible they were so thank you.
Alex Greenwood, Head of Mathematics, The Priory School, Hitchin
AQA GCSE Science - Grades 4/5 and 6/7
These remote sessions will be delivered by our experienced science advisers and are designed to motivate and challenge students in an engaging and active environment. The sessions run throughout the spring term, with 6 sessions targeted at Grades 6/7 and 14 sessions targeted at Grades 4/5.
The sessions will focus on:
- Supporting your child to feel ‘exam ready’
- Providing students with tried and tested exam strategies and revision techniques
- Sharing high quality responses and model answers to support their own learning
- Reviewing associated Maths and Required Practical skills within relevant science content
- Giving your child the opportunity to complete a range of revision activities during the session, addressing the skills needed.
Each session will be 50 minutes in length and the students will be able to interact with the science advisers delivering the session. The sessions targeting Grades 6/7 run late afternoon through January to March. Whilst the sessions targeted at Grades 4/5 run through the Easter holidays enabling students to attend 2-3 sessions consecutively with a break between each one.
All workshops will be recorded and can be accessed via the link in the confirmation email so students who have booked a place, but missed part or all of a session, can catch up later.
Places may be booked directly by parents/carers or by schools on their students’ behalf.
£10 per student per session (including VAT).
Maths 'A'-level remote revision workshops
Following the success of last year’s programme, our secondary Maths adviser will be leading 16 topic-based A Level Maths online workshops during the Easter holidays.
Each workshop will summarise the main learning points and show how they can be applied to examination-style questions. Students will be encouraged to participate by answering questions via polls or online chat, engaging actively with the examples used, and taking part in other short revision activities.
The workshops are aimed at those students targeting grades up to and including Grade B. Students aiming for A* and A grades will be welcome to attend, and may appreciate the chance to consolidate their skills; however, the content of the workshops will not specifically be aimed at these students.
Each workshop will be 60 minutes long. Students may wish to attend two or three consecutively, with a short break between each.
All workshops will be recorded and can be accessed via the link in the confirmation email so students who have booked a place, but missed part or all of a session, can catch up later
Places may be booked directly by parents/carers or by schools on their students’ behalf.