What is the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project?
‘The national curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils read easily, fluently and with good understanding…’
National Curriculum in England: English Programme of Study
The Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project is designed to support struggling readers in upper key stage 2 make swift and dramatic gains in their reading attainment. Through the combined use of evidence-informed reading strategies and high-quality texts, the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project not only increases the number of pupils achieving the Expected Standard in reading at the end of key stage 2, but fosters enthusiastic, confident readers who show increased pleasure and skill when reading challenging texts across the curriculum.
What is reading fluency? Penny Slater, Education Development and Partnership Lead (Primary English specialist)
KS2 Reading Fluency Project aims - Penny Slater, Education Development and Partnership Lead (Primary English specialist)
Project aims
The Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to make a difference to outcomes for their most vulnerable learners, those who are reading below the Expected Standard (the lowest 20%*).
Training is logically sequenced and carefully spaced to allow time to put learning into practice throughout the 8-week intervention period. Equipped with project strategies, teachers deliver two, twenty-minute sessions weekly to a selected group of struggling readers. In just 8 weeks, these pupils make incredible progress in their fluency, leading to great gains in their accuracy and comprehension. Furthermore, pupils develop confidence and begin to view themselves as authentic readers.
Ofsted guidance on inspecting maintained schools and academies in England under the education inspection framework.
Schools requesting inspection (section 42): On inspections of infant, junior, primary and lower-middle schools, inspectors will carry out a deep dive to evaluate how well pupils are taught to read. They will pay particular attention to pupils who are reading below age-related expectations (the lowest 20%) to assess how well the school is teaching phonics and supporting all children to become confident, fluent readers. School Inspection Handbook, Ofsted
Special edition with Hon. Stuart Lawrence
We were delighted that the Hon. Stuart Lawrence joined us as a supporter for the KS2 Reading Fluency Project in the Autumn term 2023. Stuart Lawrence is the younger brother of Stephen Lawrence, the young man who, on 22 April 1993, at the age of just 18, was murdered in an unprovoked racist attack.
Stuart is an educator and motivational speaker, dedicated to helping to transform the life chances of young people. In 2019, Stuart released his first book, Silence is Not An Option: You Can Impact the World for Change, which aims to help children find their own voice and work towards a better future.
Learn more about reading fluency
The evolution of the Reading Fluency Project
Reading between the lines: developing reading fluency for comprehension
Reading fluency across the primary curriculum
Tightening the (Scarborough) rope for reading fluency
KS2 Reading Fluency Project: 2017-2023 - reflecting back and looking forward
Reading fluency? How do I teach that?
Reading fluency: training for teachers
A field guide to reading fluency: a reader's digest of our work to date
EdTalks podcast with Alex Quigley and Sarah Green from the Education Endowment Foundation
Key Stage 3 (KS3) Reading Fluency Project
This was the most successful and enjoyable training I have been on my whole career. Our outcomes were stunning and all tutors, presenters were amazingly helpful and clear. Communication was easy and quick. Training sessions were 100% useful and incredibly helpful. I particularly benefited from the 1:1 coaching sessions.
Alice Smith, K2 at St. Andrew's Junior School, Hatfield Peverel, Essex