Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project: impact and outcomes from the 8-week project
Pupils who take part in the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project make exceptional progress in a short space of time.
Over 2200 pupils have taken part in the project.
In just 8 weeks, pupils make on average 2 years and 3 months progress in reading comprehension age and gain an increase in accuracy of 13 months.*
*as measured by the YARC assessment tool
Additionally, over 600 schools nationally have attended the 1-day training event and are implementing the project strategies with their pupils.
KS Reading Fluency Project impact - Penny Slater, Education Development and Partnership Lead (Primary English specialist)
Pupils typically demonstrate the following changes in reading behaviour after engaging in the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project.
- increased stamina: pupils are able to read more text for a longer period whilst retaining understanding;
- increased accuracy: pupils make less substitutions, omissions, mispronunciations, additions when reading a ‘cold’ text;
- increased enjoyment: pupils read more and are more willing to explore a wider range of literature;
- increased confidence: pupils tackle challenging texts with greater willingness and show improved tenacity in teasing out meaning;
- increased engagement: pupils offer more extended contributions in group discussions about challenging texts.
Read more participant feedback in our blog Reading Fluency: training for teachers
Winter Garden Academy KS2 pupil reading pre and post Reading Fluency project

Long term outcomes
Reading SATs data 2022:
72% of pupils who took part in the Key Stage 2 (KS2) Reading Fluency Project in 2021/22 achieved 98+ scaled score (all participating pupils were judged as ‘not on track’ to meet the Expected Standard in reading at the start of the project)
55% of pupils achieved the Expected Standard.