squares with numbers in

Making Fluent and Flexible Calculators

This mental maths development project aims to improve children’s understanding of mental calculation in primary maths by focusing on using base facts to solve more complex calculations.
3 girls in purple uniform playing in a classroom

Two-year-olds in schools programme

A cost-effective approach for schools looking to either embark on lowering their school age or schools that wish to reflect and support continuous improvement for their Early Years provision which includes two-year-olds.
practitioners with 2 young children

Early Years PVI Multiple Provider Services

HFL Education offers a range of services developed to support the multiple PVI Early Years provider with quality assurance, people development and service delivery.
teacher with boy in green uniform

Early Years Super Saver Package

A package of Early Years consultancy and support for schools from expert advisers.
teacher with a boy and girl in reception

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) moderation

HFL Education’s expert Early Years advisers can provide moderation support for completing the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP).
teacher with a group of children outside

Early Years leaders seminars

Termly seminars to update Early Years leaders on current developments.
man with 2 children playing in a classroom

Terrific Talkers project

HFL Education’s Terrific Talkers project supports EYFS communication and language development.
diagram of full stops

Fixing Full Stops across KS2

Comprehensive KS2 English sentence structure and punctuation training complete with exemplification videos and plans. 
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Raising writing standards in Years 4 and 5: Winning at writing KS2

An innovative and sharply focused programme on improving KS2 writing skills to meet age-related expectations
Graphic illustration of person riding a rocket

Mental Maths Fluency Intervention

Mental Maths Fluency Intervention aim is to precisely identify current knowledge and gaps in knowledge and to offer a short personalised intervention.