female practitioner with early years child

Early Years PVI services

A comprehensive range of services, training and CPD tailored to the unique needs of individual Early Years registered PVI settings.
teacher with 2 early years children

Early Years advisory and consultancy support for schools

HFL Education’s Early years advisers provide consultancy and advice for schools to help set firm foundations for children’s learning beyond the EYFS.
early years aged children pulling faces

Early Years improvement services at HFL

We offer bespoke improvement services to raise achievement in Early Years education.
group of primary school children in uniform

Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) - for LIVE

School improvement support and training for special educational needs and disability (SEND) in mainstream schools, special schools and Education Support Centres (ESCs) or Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)
female teacher with boy of colour in a classroom

Secondary school improvement services

We offer flexible and bespoke secondary school improvement services, designed for high-quality teaching and learning outcomes.
Boy on orange inflatable toy holding a toy bus

Special schools and Educational Support Centres

We provide special school and alternative provision improvement support - Educational Support Centres (ESC) or Pupil Referral Units (PRU) , designed to give you the best tools and processes to help all children thrive.
group of young people sitting on a wall

Post-16 school improvement services

We provide you with expert resources to improve your Sixth Form leadership to ensure high quality post-16 provision.
teacher with 2 children in a garden

Supporting pupil wellbeing with HFL

We help your educational establishment develop, implement and sustain positive pupil wellbeing.
4 primary school children sitting together

HFL: Support services for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils

HFL’s team of advisers provide expert guidance, training and consultancy services to support disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils.
children of different ethnicity lined up together

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion, which are values at the core of HFL's processes, practices and culture.