pile of books

Flexing fluency muscles with great texts (Oh…and they are free too!)

20 Apr 2017
In this short blog, Penny Slater points to some texts that may prove useful in the last few weeks leading up to this year’s SATS.
two children looking at a book

Reflections from analysis of the 2019 KS2 reading SATs: part 1

01 Sep 2019
In this series of blogs, Penny Slater takes an in-depth look at the 2019 reading SATs paper and draws out some key points for reflection.

Progress measures (KS2 and KS4) in 2022 – what do we know?

01 May 2022
Ben Fuller explores what we know (and what we don’t yet know) about KS2 and KS4 progress measures this summer.

'It ain't what you intend, it's the way it is implemented, and that's what gets results'

24 Jan 2020
Despite constantly saying that there is no silver bullet out there, I know that many wonder whether it is just that they have not found it …yet. 
boy and girl reading

Reflections from analysis of the 2019 KS2 reading SATs: part 3

08 Sep 2019
In this series of blogs, Penny Slater takes an in-depth look at the 2019 reading SATs paper and draws out some key points for reflection.
2girls and a boy reading

Reflections from analysis of the 2019 KS2 reading SATs: part 4

11 Sep 2019
In this series of blogs, Penny Slater takes an in-depth look at the 2019 reading SATs paper and draws out some key points for reflection.

The ‘CPA’ approach

28 May 2016
One of the most fundamental learning theories to be implemented within any mastery classroom is the ‘CPA’ (Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract) approach. It was first proposed by Jerome Bruner in 1966 as a means of scaffolding learning.
wall of sticky notes

4 ways to make your maths working wall work

04 May 2021
How to build a relevant maths working wall that teachers and children can interact with to support, scaffold and deepen thinking.
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HFL Education press and media enquiries
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2023 Funded Career Insight Days Programme for Hertfordshire Year 12 Students

07 Feb 2023
HFL Education will be running a series of fully funded Careers Insights Days for Year 12 pupils from Hertfordshire schools during 2023. The industry specific Career Insight days will be informative, fun and educational, and will arm students with all the information they need to decide if they wish to pursue an interest in that field.