KS2 Spelling: all spelling statements are equal, but some spelling statements are more equal than others.
With twenty-eight spelling statements to cover across KS2, where should our focus be? In addition to the year group statements, the National Curriculum (2014) clearly states that previous learning must also be revised at the beginning of each programme of study. How can we cover it all? Do we give the previously taught statements enough of our time? Furthermore, one might think that all the year group statements should be given an equal weighting. However, after careful analysis of both the SPAG papers (sample to 2018); the WTS, EXS and GDS exemplification materials for writing, and consideration of children’s independent writing, we have begun to think otherwise.
The SOS spelling team have mapped out which statements need a high, medium and low focus in Y3/4, Y5/6 and across KS2 depending on the frequency of their use in the above analysis, and day to day usage in the English language. Click on the links below for a shortcut to documents outlining priority areas for children working at age-related expectations in spelling at each phase of KS2. Spelling priority area documents are downloadable below for Y3/4, Y5/6 and the whole of KS2:
For now, we hope you find these tables useful.