Teach primary awards 2024 - winnerWe are passionate about maths and ensuring that children not only get the right answers, but that they understand what they have done and why. We also believe in giving teachers the tools to support them in the classroom rather than a passive plug-in-and play approach which other schemes might lead to. 

Carefully crafted single-age and mixed-age ESSENTIALMATHS learning sequences enable teachers to teach a carefully planned, small-step progression through the maths national curriculum from Reception to Year 6, deepening understanding year on year. The ESSENTIALMATHS suite of materials have been designed for use in single age and mixed age classrooms.

"Our teachers love the new ESSENTIALMATHS V2.0 planning and resources as they have significantly reduced our workload".

Emma Schumacher, KS2 Phase Leader and Year 5 Teacher, Kenilworth Primary School

We can help you explore how ESSENTIALMATHS can support effective maths teaching in your school.


What is ESSENTIALMATHS v2.0?  |  What's new?  |  Subscription packages  |  Pricing plans BUY NOW  |  Training and support  |  Samples  |  Accessing your subscription


What’s new in ESSENTIALMATHS v2.0? 

  • Re-mapped single-age and mixed-age long-term plans with time allocated for diagnostic assessment - increasing teaching time for key concepts
  • Curriculum progression identified on each learning sequence - tracking-back to enable access for all 
  • Rehearsal and reasoning sheets - worked examples, rehearsal, reasoning and retrieval questions for teachers to select from*
  • Fully aligned homework suite - includes worked examples, speaking frames and questions to enable support at home*
  • Termly ESSENTIALMATHS online staff meetings - continued professional development for your whole school team*
  • Now accessible from a new online platform - with all resources in one place and improved functionality to aid navigation and accessibility 

* included with premium subscription only

ESSENTIALMATHS v2.0 materials are accessible online, all in one place, to enable planning, selection of practice and diagnostic assessment and rapid track-back through the curriculum. 

ESSENTIALMATHS has enabled our pupils access to a broad and balanced maths curriculum. The small steps sequences are crucial in ensuring learning is effectively built on over time. I like the amount of detail within the teaching materials. The inclusion of examples of high-quality manipulatives are excellent in supporting pupils to understand key mathematical concepts.

Clarissa Walsh, Maths Subject Leader, Southfield School

My favourite addition is the tracking back boxes - what a time saver! The fact that it is all available in one place is a game changer.

Justine Clark, Maths Subject Leader, Andrews Lane Primary School

Subscription packages

Standard package

  • Long term plans

  • Learning sequences

  • Handouts

  • Termly forensic diagnostic assessments

  • Destination question guidance

  • Implementation guidance

  • Gaming index

  • Concrete resource index

  • Forum and gallery

Premium package

  • Standard package PLUS.....

  • Rehearsal and reasoning resources

  • Homework resources

  • Curriculum progression tracking back booklets

  • Written calculation progression

  • Vocabulary progression

  • Bar modelling progression

  • Destination question booklets

  • Termly staff CPD sessions

We have recently started using the Rehearsal and Reasoning sheets and it’s a bit like finding the missing piece to the jigsaw. Planning is now working really effectively with these integrated in.

Alison Broomfield, Maths Subject Leader, St Andrews C of E Primary School and Nursery, Much Hadham

Pricing plans

Our carefully considered scaled pricing structure takes into account your school’s structure and size. 

Includes resources for Reception through to Year 6 including mixed age class resources

One form entry 
Up to 10 licenses

Standard £200 

Premium £280 

Two form entry  
Up to 17 licenses

Standard £225 

Premium £315 

Three form + 
Up to 25 licenses

Standard £250 

Premium £350 

Four form + 
Up to 34 licenses

Standard £275 

Premium £375 

MAT etc.
Need more licenses?



For schools with fewer than 100 children on roll. Includes resources for Reception through to Year 6 including mixed age class resources

One form entry 
Up to 5 licenses

Standard £170 

Premium £250 

Includes resources for Reception through to Year 2 including mixed age class resources

One form entry 
Up to 5 licenses

Standard £72 

Premium £100 

Two form entry  
Up to 8 licenses

Standard £81 

Premium £113 

Three form + 
Up to 11 licenses

Standard £90 

Premium £126 

Four form + 
Up to 15 licenses

Standard £99 

Premium £135 

MAT etc.
Need more licenses?



Includes resources for Year 3 to Year 6, including mixed age class resources and resources for supporting children working within the Reception or KS1 curriculum

One form entry 
Up to 6 licenses

Standard £128 

Premium £179 

Two form entry  
Up to 10 licenses

Standard £144 

Premium £202 

Three form + 
Up to 14 licenses

Standard £160 

Premium £224 

Four form + 
Up to 19 licenses

Standard £175 

Premium £240 

MAT etc.
Need more licenses?



Includes resources for Reception through to Year 4 including mixed age class resources

One form entry 
Up to 7 licenses

Standard £157 

Premium £220 

Two form entry  
Up to 12 licenses

Standard £177 

Premium £248 

Three form + 
Up to 17 licenses

Standard £186 

Premium £260 

Four form + 
Up to 23 licenses

Standard £204 

Premium £278 

MAT etc.
Need more licenses?



Includes resources for Year 5 and Year 6, including mixed age class resources and resources for supporting children working within the Reception, KS1 or LKS2 curriculum

One form entry 
Up to 4 licenses

Standard £43 

Premium £60 

Two form entry  
Up to 6 licenses

Standard £48 

Premium £67 

Three form + 
Up to 8 licenses

Standard £64 

Premium £90 

Four form + 
Up to 11 licenses

Standard £70 

Premium £97 

MAT etc.
Need more licenses?



Single year groups are available on a per licence basis

YR only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58

Y1 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

Y2 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

Y3 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

Y4 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

Y5 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

Y6 only  
per license

Standard £34  

Premium £58  

All prices are quoted excluding VAT

The clear sequencing and subject knowledge support look really useful. I love the links to cognitive science. The links between year groups are great to potentially support growing SEND needs.

Zoe Hall, Mastery Specialist & Trust Maths Lead , Northampton Primary Academy Trust 

ESSENTIALMATHS training and in-school support

A series of three half-day, face to face workshops designed specifically for teachers to be able to make the most effective use of the ESSENTIALMATHS planning resources. Attend all three workshops at your chosen venue for continued professional development that builds across the year.


We also offer an ESSENTIALMATHS package of curriculum impact support consisting of 4 visits to help you implement and evaluate the impact of the suite of materials in your single or mixed age classrooms from Reception to Year 6.


Get in touch with the team to find out more about our in person and remote ESSENTIALMATHS staff meetings that enable all staff to make the most effective use of the platform and teaching, learning and assessment materials. Please complete the form:


Our recent staff meeting was great. It was really useful to explore the new features of the ESSENTIALMATHS platform and it’s given us a head start for September.

Vicki Ford, Deputy Headteacher, Potton End CE Primary School

Accessing your subscription

ESSENTIALMATHS subscriptions are hosted on HFL Hub. To access your subscription you will need to log in to your HFL Hub account. Once you’ve been allocated a licence you will be able to see your active subscriptions on the left-hand side of your HFL Hub dashboard.

The HFL Hub Help Centre offers a wealth of guides and support to help you, including instructions for allocating licences to your teachers.

Further information on our maths support

Sign up to receive our primary maths subject leader emails and be the first to know what’s happening in the world of primary maths.

As well as offering training for ESSENTIALMATHS, we also work alongside teachers and leaders in classrooms providing coaching and support to develop and enhance primary maths pedagogy, curriculum planning and subject knowledge. Get in touch to discuss your requirements.

For more information on our primary maths support and services


Contact our Primary Maths team