Where can you see the lenses in action in a school?
The simple answer is that the features of a great school are evident in the behaviours of the people who form part of its community. However there are some general documents, policies and procedures in which you might typically see the lenses reflected:
- School Development/Improvement Plan
- Your ongoing school self-evaluation review document
- Headteacher reports to the governors
- Governor annual plan
- Minutes of Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings
- Governance (academic) year planner
- Governing body visit reports
- School brochure prospectus
- School website
- Staff handbook
- Parent/carer handbook
- Ofsted reports
- School Improvement Partner (SIP)/School Effectiveness Adviser (SEA) reports
- Parent View feedback
- Newsletters
- Staff, pupil and parent/carer questionnaires
- Pupil voice activities
- 360 degree feedback
- School council minutes and observations
- CPD and coaching records
- Induction procedures and exit interviews
- Staff meeting minutes
- Press and media coverage
- School’s social media platforms
- School census data
There will be other specific documents that you might go to in order to see a particular lens reflected. These will be listed under each lens of the Great School Framework.

The Great School Framework is the intellectual property of HFL Education and copyrighted. It may not be used unacknowledged by others.