01 July 2024

If we are very wise in the way that  AI is applied. It will solve the enduring problems that the third factory model of education never solved for example social mobility, which has been  static or declining, it could massively help social mobility

So why are there so few references to use of technology in Pupil Premium statements? There are a few reasons why technology might be a useful tool in helping us combat educational disadvantage:

  • If you don’t understand the first time you can ask it the same question several times and it doesn’t get cross or assume that you’re not listening.
  • It can instantly provide the knowledge needed to plug gaps. This is particularly important in the current context of absence in schools.
  • It can work out precisely the aspect of a new concept that is preventing learning. So if we’re learning the perfect tense. Is it the verbs in avoir or how the endings are formed or even a more philosophical why is the perfect tense perfect. The technology can work this out and address this on a personal level that would take a longer time for me as the teacher to diagnose and then address.

At  a recent conference on AI in education Anthoney Seldon posted, 

‘If we are very wise in the way that  AI is applied. It will solve the enduring problems that the third factory model of education never solved for example social mobility, which has been  static or declining, it could massively help social mobility’.

Westminster Education Forum February 2024

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