26 June 2024

We are grateful for your energy, curiosity and contribution to our school communities. What you do matters, the areas you choose to focus on matter

Thank you to the Hertfordshire Chairs of Governors Panel for their time and great questions at their recent meeting as we explored together how AI and Edtech can support us in our journey towards Educational Equity.

Firstly, a big thank you to all those who serve our schools as governors. We probably don’t tell you this often enough but we are grateful for your energy, curiosity and contribution to our school communities. What you do matters, the areas you choose to focus on matter! Focusing on educational equity which might be summed up as the opportunity, ‘for children to write their own life story’ seems like a good place to start.

Here  are some thoughts about questions you might ask to better understand how technology is contributing to equity in school:

  • How does our use of Edtech and AI align with our school priorities?
  • How much are we spending on EdTech?
    • Which platforms are the most effective? In every subject? How do we know?
  • What are the risks of using AI and Edtech in our school?
    • How are we mitigating for these risks?
  • Are there references to Edtech and AI in key policies? How are they referenced? Are all references negative?
  • What is the impact on disadvantaged students of our strategies such as bring your own device?
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