The ultimate test of successful provision for underserved learners is high quality outcomes. The achievement and attainment gap continues to be stubbornly wide and the work at department and classroom level is vital in order to delivery strong outcomes for all.
Our team of secondary subject specialists in English, maths, science and MFL can support your colleagues to maximise the achievement of underserved learners. Through careful performance analysis and drawing on a wide-range of experience and factors, our consultants can identify focus areas and targeted techniques to optimise the performance of your underserved learners in core subjects and beyond.

Strong examination outcomes
Examination script analysis: schools and academies can have the scripts of the underserved learners analysed by a subject specialist in order to identify strengths and weaknesses for future improvement.
Underserved learner-focused subject review: a department review, led by a specialist, which examines the experience of underserved learners in a particular subject. Through a series of lesson observations, work scrutiny, staff interviews and student voice activities a picture of the experience of learners in the department and areas for development will be identified.
Data deep dive: a half session with a consultant who can explore the examination data across the whole curriculum to help schools identify the most successful choices for vulnerable learners and to ensure any strategies are rooted in a deep understanding of the school’s data.
Proficient readers
Reading Fluency Programme: a number of underserved students lag behind their peers in their reading age and this becomes an increasingly important factor in their educational achievement. HFL’s Reading Fluency Programme at KS3 and KS4 can provide a significant boost to the reading scores of underserved learners and enable them to access work across the whole curriculum in a more successful way.
Effective revision
Underserved learners would benefit most from additional tuition; however this is beyond the financial reach of most of their families and many of the schools. HFL runs online revision classes for English, Maths and Science across the spring term to provide boosters for vulnerable learners and to provide that ‘new voice’ which can often lead to a moment of clarity and consolidation.
Starting from £10 a session, the revision classes are an economical way that many schools use their pupil premium to offer top-level support to their underserved learner in preparation for those life-changing examinations.
It is incredibly supportive to know that if you have a question or need to see the bigger picture beyond the institution there is someone you can email who has a lot of knowledge and experience and will understand the question you are asking and know what resources or information will help you and the department to move forward.
Head of Department