Our dedicated team of primary maths specialists empower schools and teachers to learners who experience disadvantage, thrive and overcome the attainment gap. Together, we can make a lasting difference.
We can support teachers and schools to reflect on and explore different ways to enhance outcomes for children experiencing disadvantage. Our focus areas include:
Understanding the needs of learners
Exploring pedagogy to meet the needs of learners
Making adjustments for pupils with learning needs
Considering additional provision options

We offer personalised discussions with school leaders, subject leaders, and teachers, along with a variety of supportive activities, such as:
- Empowering school and subject leaders to assess and enhance current provisions
- Supporting teachers in their classrooms to make powerful, achievable and manageable changes
- Providing practical support to teaching assistants so that they feel skilled and knowledgeable to effectively support pupils in maths
- Leading staff training, available as twilight sessions or Inset days
The Primary maths team also offer a range of programmes which may be used to improve outcomes for children currently experiencing disadvantage or are otherwise vulnerable including:
- Reaching the expected standard in Year 6 maths
- Teaching assistants: subject knowledge in primary maths webinars
For the latest information on primary maths training programmes and courses please visit the HFL Hub.
These HFL Education blogs might also be helpful for those considering ways forward with children currently experiencing disadvantage or are otherwise vulnerable.
Exploring scaffolding strategies for KS1 maths: developing meaningful, and increasingly independent pupil recording.
Building strong foundations in maths: closing the gap with a Mental Maths Fluency Intervention
This blog explores how the Mental Maths Fluency Intervention at Aboyne Lodge Primary School is closing gaps in children’s learning, boosting their confidence and accuracy, and setting them up for long term success.
How can we increase teaching assistants’ confidence and reduce maths anxiety?
This blog considers what is the impact of maths anxiety of teaching assistants and how we support staff confidence to allow them to effectively support pupils in maths.
How can we advantage the disadvantaged?
Practical changes that can be made in primary maths classrooms to keep chipping away at the disadvantage gap.
The primary maths team is committed to improving educational outcomes for all pupils, if you would like to chat through any options with us please email us at: primarymaths@hfleducation.org and we will get in touch.