The expert Primary English Team offers an inspiring and dynamic range of training programmes and projects designed to empower schools to improve outcomes for underserved learners. Together we can make a lasting impact for those who may experience disadvantage so they can thrive and overcome the attainment gap.

We support teachers and school leaders to reflect on and explore different ways to enhance outcomes, for children experiencing disadvantage, through our offer of bespoke consultancy which may include:

  • Empowering school and subject leaders to assess and enhance current provision
  • Supporting teachers in their classrooms to make powerful, achievable and manageable changes
  • Providing professional development so all staff are skilled and knowledgeable to effectively support pupils in English
  • Developing a curriculum which ensures foundational skills are at the core
  • Leading staff training, available as twilight sessions or Inset days  

I think one of my biggest takeaways is how engaging and encouraging this has been for my usually reluctant writers…they're happier taking risks and trying new writing techniques and it's been almost a missing puzzle piece and all of a sudden other things like paragraphs that I haven't even mentioned as part of this are now being used.

Joanna Marfleet, Wicklewood Primary School and Nursery School, Wymondham.

For the latest information on Primary English training, resources, programmes, projects and courses please visit the HFL Hub

The links below will also take you to some of our ever-popular projects:

The Primary English Team is committed to improving educational outcomes for all pupils. Please email: if you wish to talk through options that would be most beneficial for your school and setting. 



These selected Primary English blogs may also be helpful for those considering ways forward with children currently experiencing disadvantage or are otherwise vulnerable.

Oracy Education: ‘The Fourth R’

Oracy is a hot topic right now—and for good reason. Strong oracy skills are essential for the development of young thinkers, innovators, and communicators. As more educators and parents recognise its impact, oracy is slowly becoming recognised as a cornerstone of learning

A tale of two biggies: the A’s of early reading – closing the gaps for disadvantaged children - Part 1

In this first blog of two, Kirsten Snook explores seven top tips for assessment of early reading, to help close the gaps for children experiencing disadvantage.

Don't forget your full stops!

This blog offers a range of strategies to help address the perennial problem of missing full stops.


This was the most successful and enjoyable training I have been on my whole career. Our outcomes were stunning and all tutors, presenters were amazingly helpful and clear. Communication was easy and quick. Training sessions were 100% useful and incredibly helpful. I particularly benefited from the 1:1 coaching sessions.

Alice Smith, St. Andrew's Junior School, Hatfield Peverel, Essex

There have been some real successes in my class in particular, as it's been the focus class across the school raising that self esteem. And I also think that status within the class community has improved. 

Year 4 teacher

Contact our Primary English team today to find out how we can help you.