Key Stage 3 (KS3) Reading Fluency Project: impact and outcomes from the 8-week project
Students who have participated in the KS3 project made an average of 18 months progress in reading comprehension age*.
*as measured by the YARC assessment tool.
The Key Stage 3 (KS3) Reading Fluency Project skilfully incorporates the strategies of modelled expressive reading, echo reading, repeated reading, performance reading, text marking, challenging text selection and modelling comprehension skills, to improve the trajectory of Year 7/8 students towards age-related expectations in reading.
Precise assessment data is collected at the start and end of the 8-week project for participating students so accelerated progress can be clearly tracked and celebrated.
For a more detailed description of some of the strategies used in the Key Stage 3 (KS3) Reading Fluency Project and links to academic research that informed our approach, read ‘A field guide to reading fluency: a reader's digest of our work to date’
Students typically demonstrated improvements in reading behaviour in terms of:
stamina: students are to read for a longer period whilst retaining understanding;
accuracy: students make fewer substitutions, omissions, mispronunciations and additions when reading a ‘cold’ text;
enjoyment: students read more and are more willing to explore a wider range of literature;
confidence: students tackle challenging texts with greater willingness and show improved tenacity when attempting to tease out meaning;
engagement: students offer more extended contributions in group discussions about challenging text.
Beyond participation in the project, leaders and teachers will be able to continue to drive reading successes within their schools. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement the project successfully to support those students who are working below year group standards in reading and will be able to share this learning with colleagues to ensure that improved progress is secured for more students beyond the initial project pupil group.
The students loved it and many were genuinely sad that the group had come to an end. Their increase in confidence was palpable and their willingness to read aloud more obvious. Some students re-engaged with independent reading, one girl saying ‘I didn’t read because I thought I couldn’t but now I have learnt that I can I have started to read the books that my mum has been buying me.’
Catherine Root, Literacy and Reading Recovery Lead at Stationers' Crown Woods academy, a large academy based in Greenwich, southeast London