We’re excited to announce that Modern Governor’s training pathways for governors have now launched.
Modern Governor, who are part of the HFL Education family, offer a flexible e-learning platform that supports 16,000 governors across the UK develop their skills, knowledge and understanding around their school governor role.
Training pathway badges
Governors can demonstrate their skills by earning exclusive digital badges for their CV once a training pathway is completed via Modern Governor. Governors can proudly showcase their knowledge by uploading their badges to their LinkedIn Certifications and share with their followers.
The Pathways
Governors can select the pathway that is right for them, based on their existing experience and complete at their own pace.
There are 4 Governor training pathways:
Designed to support new governors. This introductory pathway includes:
- Governor safeguarding training
- the role of governors in schools
The developing governors pathway offers a blend of flexible learning including modules in:
- effective governance
- scrutiny of school budget
- financial management
Inspiring governance training; develop, inspire and challenge, with modules including:
- health and safety in schools
- pupil premium
- conflict resolution
Training to master your school governor role including;
- disciplinary hearing
- Ofsted inspection
- strategic leadership
We understand the time difficulties of being a governor and squeezing in training, and all our modules are built with flexible e-learning in mind.
- users can pause modules and re-start where they left off
- there are no deadlines for competition, governors can set their own goals
- our modules vary in lengths with both short bite-sized and longer in-depth modules available
Further information
If you have any queries or questions, about our new exciting content please contact us via email: support@moderngovernor.com or visit our website: www.moderngovernor.com
School settings that do not currently subscribe, can gain instant access to one full and three-part modules within a Modern Governor free trial. To access this please see: www.moderngovernor.com/trial-demo