We are delighted to share issue 2 of our Term Times magazine with you. Packed full of interesting articles about issues affecting schools, and information which we hope might be useful to you there is also a carefully curated selection of training events which we hope might fit with your CPD needs.
Term Times is a small magazine published termly and available here plus hard copies are available at our face-to-face events or through your School Effectiveness Adviser (SEA). Leave copies in your staffrooms or share electronically with your colleagues and Governors. In an effort to be as efficient as possible, the magazine is printed on recycled paper and available electronically here.
Term Times - issue 2
We hope you enjoy issue 2 which includes a welcome from our CEO Carloe Bennett along with contributions from staff across HFL including Kathy Roe, Paul Davies, Dominic Bedford, Ben Fuller, Felicity Nichols and Gwyneth Langley to name but a few. Find out more about our forthcoming conferences too.
We’re committed to providing a high-quality service and working in an open and accountable way. If you have any queries or require any support with anything covered in Term Times please call us on 01438 544464 or email info@hfleducation.org
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