As part of the Supporting Smooth Transition procedures all primary schools in Hertfordshire will receive hard copy home learning activity packs for each of their 2024 Reception class pupils this month.
This year to make them easier to access we have also made the home learning activity cards available for download:
Posters that include a QR code that links to the activity cards are also available on the web page and we hope schools and settings will print and display a poster and encourage families to access them.
HFL Transitions lead Jennie Ferguson said “The cards are simple to access. All parents or carers need to do is scan the QR code and save the cards to their home screen or use one of the printed cards for activity ideas. We hope the cards and posters will support the existing work Herts schools are already doing with families around school readiness.”
If you have any queries or would like to discuss any of our supporting smooth transition work please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing
This activity has been commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council and is part of a Transition Project to review and develop transition processes for children aged between 3 and 5 years across Hertfordshire.