18 July 2024

With such a wide range of expertise in our teams, it’s no surprise that three of our colleagues recently wrote articles featured in Teach Primary.

It will be no shock to you that the demand for flexible working has increased dramatically since COVID. In light of this, schools recruitment manager, Lucy Makins, highlighted how flexible working can be used to attract and retain employees when used effectively. Lucy’s thought-provoking article provides an insight into how schools can adopt a flexible working approach to attract a wider pool of candidates. 

Read the full article on pages 37 and 38 of issue 18.5.

Our proficiency doesn’t stop there. Two of our primary curriculum advisers, Claire Watson and Kate Kellner-Dilks, wrote an article detailing how you can create a humanities curriculum that reflects the unique needs of your school. Claire and Kate suggest considering six areas for improvement when reviewing your curriculum, including taking into consideration the demographics of your school and the significant people that students study in history. 

To read the full article and explore all six areas for improvement, navigate to page 27 of issue 18.5.


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