We are delighted to share that Charlie Harber, HFL Lead Teaching and Learning Adviser (Primary Mathematics), is a panel member at the Oxford University Press Primary Maths Roundtable. This is a fantastic opportunity for Charlie and HFL to be visibly involved in the conversation concerning the recommendations for the primary maths curriculum.
The focus of the roundtable is to explore aspects of the current primary maths curriculum that could be reformed, in light of the recently launched curriculum review. There will be an emphasis on implementation and in particular, how elements of change can best be integrated into current practice in a way that is mindful of demands on teachers. Ideas will then be written up to into recommendations which will be submitted to Curriculum review.
The panel consist of prominent voices within the primary maths community including Gabriel Stylianides (Professor of Maths Education, University of Oxford) and representatives from the EEF, the Centre for Early Childhood studies, Maths hubs and MATs.
If you’d like to find out more about our maths services, resources and support explore our primary maths teaching and learning advisory services and secondary maths – support for schools.
If you’d like to discuss the support your school or setting needs feel free to email charlotte.harber@hfleducation.org