24 June 2024

Following the success of The Big Staff Meeting over 2023/24, we are delighted to be expanding the series, offering 12 new sessions for 2024/25. 

These cost-effective whole staff CPD sessions are designed to be interactive and boost staff subject knowledge in a range of areas. Staff can watch together live or access the recording afterwards.


What is the Big Staff Meeting?

The Big Staff Meeting is a series of staff meeting length online professional development sessions, spread over the academic year. Schools can purchase individual sessions or a bundle. They are designed to develop staff subject knowledge and understanding of progression (from EYFS to Y6) in a range of subject areas, as well as specific focuses on assessment and SEND.

The sessions are planned as 2 per half term over the academic year. They are ideal for school staff to watch together, joining in with activities and discussions.  

Sessions are live 3:45 – 5:00pm on Tuesdays (when many schools hold their staff meetings) with recordings made available afterwards. Schools can either watch live, as a staff, or save the recording for a more convenient time (an alternative day of the week or as an INSET session).

There are 3 purchasing options: 

  • Individual sessions are £129 each (per school)
  • A bundle of 6 sessions (foundation subjects and science) for £541.80
  • A bundle of all 12 sessions for £1083.60

Both bundle options have a discount factored in, making them excellent value for money.

For full details of the sessions and bundles available to book visit the HFL Education Hub or download the flyer below:

Contact the training and events team