The great school has a vision that is clear, set, understood and owned by all.
It is infectiously optimistic and aspirational, based on high expectations of the performance of all members of the school community. Everyone connected with the school is able to articulate and demonstrate their common values and beliefs. Their collective attention is focused on working towards shared goals. All members of the school community believe in the vision; they value it, they feel proud of it and they know that they play a key part in realising and promoting it.
The vision and values are manifested in customs, rituals, symbols, stories and language, creating a unique culture and ethos. They are successfully expressed through the ways that members of the school community (staff, governors, pupils, parents/carers and volunteers) relate to each other and work together. Every key decision made by the school’s leaders is tested against and in pursuit of the vision. The staff and governors hold themselves to account and analyse their practice against the vision and values. The values drive the curriculum, the pedagogy, the learning environment, the language used, the training and development opportunities offered and the quality of learning for both pupils and adults. There is a commitment to excellence, to remaining open to new ideas and to thinking in new ways.
The collective vision permeates the whole school and is evident to everyone who visits.
This lens will typically be reflected in:
- School vision/mission statement
- Assembly records
- Language for Learning Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- SEND and inclusion policies
- Recruitment packs
- Systems for promoting opportunities for disadvantaged pupils e.g. PP engagement trackers
- Re-visioning activities
General documents, policies and procedures in which you might typically see the lenses reflected.
Case studies
Summer 2021
A School Based on Ethos – James Handscombe, 2021
Educating with Purpose: The Heart of What Matters – Stephen Tierney, 2020
Head, Heart and Hand: the Struggle for Dignity and Status in the 21st Century – Daniel Goodhart, 2020
Inadequate. The system failing our teachers and your children – Priya Lakhani, 2020
A Manifesto for Excellence In Schools – Rob Carpenter, 2018
Spring 2020
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni, 2002
Autumn 2019
Leadership Plain and Simple - Steve Radcliffe, 2012
Legacy - James Kerr, 2013
Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential - Dr Carol Dweck, 2017
Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice - Matthew Syed, 2011
Trust: How We Lost it and How to Get it Back - Anthony Seldon
The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything - Stephen Covey, 2008
Outliers: The Story of Success - Malcolm Gladwell, 2009
High Performance Learning - Deborah Eyre, 2016
The Restless School - Roy, Blatchford, 2014
The Compassionate School - Max Coates
Ways in which HFL can provide support
Trust Leaders’ Forum
Personalised/Trust GSF reviews
Moving To New Headship programme
SEND APTGo audit
High performance for all training and CPD
Pupil premium reviews - Early years, primary and secondary
Closing the Gap project (KS2)
Great Representations programme - Early years, primary and secondary
Defeating Disadvantage programme - Early Years
Staff surveys, exit interviews, employee relations case management - HR Services
Insights Discovery team development - HR Services
Governance Leadership Service - Governance Services
Please contact us for further information on 01438 544464 or email
The Great School Framework is made up of:
Ambitious, inspirational and strategic leadership (inc. governance)
Shared, aspirational vision, values and culture
A community where all are empowered and valued
An outward looking, collaborative mindset
An ongoing commitment to learn with and from others
Embedded, forensic self-review and reflection
Been designed and resourced for long term exceptional outcomes
An inclusive, settled and safe environment for all
Exceptional teaching, learning and assessment
A rich, broad, balanced and bespoke curriculum
The Great School Framework is the intellectual property of HFL Education and copyrighted. It may not be used unacknowledged by others.