We recognise that for schools with an entry school age of two, this can present a new set of challenges and considerations when building and sustaining high quality Early Years provision and care.
Our consultancy package represents a cost-effective approach for schools looking to either embark on lowering their school age or schools that wish to reflect and support continuous improvement for their Early Years provision which includes two-year-olds.
Our expert Early Years specialists have a wealth of experience in offering high quality teaching and learning specifically targeted at two-year-olds.
We work with all leaders, teachers, and practitioners to help them develop high quality Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision taking into consideration the unique circumstance and make up of each school and trust.
What is included in the Two-year-olds in School programme of support?
The programme of support is delivered by our two-year-old expert Early Years advisers and includes:
- An initial in-house two-year-old specific training session
- An audit created for practitioners and teachers to reflect on their current provision and give help in reaching their end goals
- Followed by a consultancy visit that allows our trusted - expert advisers to work directly with those working in the EYFS to review progress and develop high quality learning environments for two-year-olds.
Every visit includes a written report to help leaders understand what they can do next to further develop the quality of early education in their school.

What are the benefits of the Two-year-old in Schools programme of support?
- It will aid practitioners and teachers to understand and celebrate the two-year-olds in their school
- It will explore the crucial development stages that occur between the ages of two and three years, so your team are well equipped to meet their needs
- It considers not just the educational needs of two-year-olds, but any adaptations that may be required to ensure their emotional and physical care needs are also met effectively.
As part of your programme of support your team may wish to explore how to successfully work with mixed age ranges, complete the statutory requirement of a 2-year check, or how to adapt their provision to meet the developmental needs of 2-year-olds across the academic year.
Find out more
If you’re interested in discovering more about how our team of specialised Early Years consultants can support your school to deliver high quality provision for two-year-olds, please contact us.