The Early Years Super-Saver is a flexible consultancy package tailored to meet the unique needs of your school or trust through training, advice, and leadership mentoring.
The package represents a cost-effective approach by an expert team of early years specialists with a track record for quality improvement and impactful training that can improve outcomes for all children.
The Early Years Super Saver also supports continuous improvement and staff development to help sustain high-quality education.
We work with all leaders, teachers, and practitioners to help them develop high quality Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision taking into consideration the unique circumstance of each school and trust.
What is included in the Early Years Super Saver programme of support?
The Early Years Super Saver is a programme of visits that allows our trusted expert advisers to work with school leaders and those working in the EYFS to review and develop high quality learning environments with leaders and underpinned by international research.
Every visit includes a written report to help leaders understand what they can do next to further develop the quality of early education in their school.

What are the benefits of the Early Years Super Saver?
There are multiple benefits for schools that choose to participate in the Early Years Super Saver programme:
Leaders are empowered in monitoring the quality of their EYFS to support self-evaluation and action planning
Development of skills in less experienced early educators through model teaching, guidance, support, and professional development
A cohesive understanding of the EYFS framework and what high quality teaching looks like in the EYFS
Teams are inspired to implement an effective, broad, balanced, and ambitious curriculum that meets the needs of the cohort
Improvement in the quality of education for the EYFS
Improved outcomes for children
Disadvantaged gaps close
Positive Ofsted outcomes
Improved staff knowledge of quality first teaching and high-quality interactions that support progress in learning
Previous data to back up impact
Find out more
Please contact the Early Years team for further details and a discussion about your specific needs.