We hope that you find this informative and relevant to your role as Chair, whether that is Chair of a maintained school, an academy trust or a committee. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Governance Leadership Service (previously known as the Chairs' Service)
The Governance Leadership Service is an evolving and developing service which believes in good governance, whatever the organisation, and offers specific training, support, and guidance for Chairs. The Governance Leadership Service has been supported in its development by Chairs across Hertfordshire.
Please contact Governance for prices and further information about this service.
What do you get for your subscription?
- As a new Chair you will receive a copy of the New Chairs Welcome Booklet. If you have not received a copy, please contact governance@hfleducation.org (the booklet is free for all Chairs regardless of whether you subscribe or not)
- Half-termly Governance Leadership Bulletin
- Being an Effective Governance Leader training (previously called Being an Effective Chair training)
- Governance Leadership Briefings (previously called Chairs' Strategic Briefings) – termly opportunities to meet other Chairs and receive updates from a range of professionals
- Hertfordshire Leaders of Governance – representing Chairs in Hertfordshire, supporting the development of the service, and mentoring new Chairs.
- Governance Leadership Networks (previously called Chairs Networks) – meet termly with other Hertfordshire chairs to discuss concerns and share best practice
The Governance Leadership Bulletin is one of the benefits of buying into the Governance Leadership Service.
The bulletin is a half-termly newsletter with timely and important issues from amongst others:
- Ofsted
- Department of Education & ESFA
- National updates
- Local news
If you have something that you would like to share, please contact: governance@hfleducation.org
Governance Leadership Briefings are one of the benefits of buying into the Governance Leadership Service.
The briefings are held termly online and are an opportunity to receive specialist updates on a range of topics relevant to your strategic role as Chair of Governors
You can book onto the Governance Leadership Briefings on the GovernorHub training section.
It is imperative that you develop a strong and professional relationship with your Clerk.
Clerks are responsible for monitoring and updating the governor database on behalf of the governing body. If you need any information about your governors training, terms of office or what services you are buying from governance, please email governance@hfleducation.org
Our new and revised Effective Governance Leader training is run at least three times a year and is beneficial for Chairs of governing/trustee boards, Vice-Chairs, Chairs of Committees, and aspiring Chairs. It encompasses:
- Leading and managing the work of the governing board, team dynamics, setting expectations
- The Chair's role in supporting strategic leadership and getting the challenge right
- The Chair's role in ensuring accountability and making sure that things get done
You can find more details about this course and information on how to book your place via GovernorHub.
Find out more
If you have been a Chair for two years or more and feel you have the capacity to support a new Chair, or if you simply want more information about our Governance Leadership Service, please contact us.