22 January 2018

Blowing bubbles

Continued Professional Development – What is it?

The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) states that early years practitioners must “undertake professional development opportunities to ensure they offer quality learning and development experiences for children that continually improves.” 

This is often referred to as continuous professional development (CPD) and it is the responsibility of each individual childminder to ensure they keep informed with current theory and practice to provide the best learning environment for the children. CPD can include access to training leading to formal qualifications or short course training. 

The Ofsted Early Years inspection handbook states that inspectors look for evidence of teaching and learning through effective systems for supervision, rigorous performance management and appropriate professional development”.

How can I achieve this?

This could focus on improving your knowledge and skills in some key areas, identified through your own self-evaluation or Ofsted recommendations. As well as attending training you can include other activities that increase knowledge, for example reading professional journals, attending professional networks, visiting other early year’s providers or taking part in local projects.

For CPD to be effective it should be well planned and take into account your personal development needs that will support the actions in your plans to improve practice to further benefit children in your care.

When should I do this?

It is recommended that you review your training needs annually, identify key statutory training and note dates of when this needs renewing, review any gaps in knowledge of the early years foundation stage and any new areas where you may wish to increase your knowledge. This may be a particular area of learning or to meet the needs of the children.

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